Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kamla Kheer ( Orange Pudding)

March 31st 2010

So this is not kheer that is made in Kamala's house or the one Kamala brings. I thought its name originated from the "Kamala oranges" that you get in India. However "Kamal" I think means orange in Bengali and "Kheer" of course is pudding. I learnt this recipe from my Bengali ex-roommate and have loved it always. It is an extremely refreshing drink that is quite easy to make. I have been seeing beautiful oranges and tangerines everywhere now and looks like the time is right for this recipe. 

Difficulty level : Easy

Time:  20 min 

  • Navel Oranges ( 3 nos)
  • 2% milk ( 3/4 gallon)
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • sugar (to taste)
Method de Preparation
  1. Heat the milk in a pan till hot.
  2. Add the sugar and condensed milk and heat some more till well mixed. The milk with thin out  a bit once you add the sugar. Just heat till it all comes together well.
  3. While the milk is heating, peel the oranges. If you are picky and don't like their skin then take out only the inside pulp.
  4. The beauty of the kheer is in biting into the fresh orange pieces, so I definitely recommend chopping at least 1 1/2 oranges into small pieces.
  5. Beat the rest in a blender and extract orange juice.
  6. Once the milk has cooled, add the juice in and also the orange pieces.
  7. Cool in refrigerator and serve chilled.
Chef's Tip:   This is not a thick kheer. It is thinner than a milkshake. You could use full fat milk but 2% works well. 

Variations:   You can add saffron and elachi but i just like the simple flavor from the oranges and the milk, why complicate it?

Source:  Malabika Laha

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